Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Eclairs Ose Pasta Shu

  •  2sticks unsalted butter
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 8 large eggs
  • Pastry Cream:
  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups milk
  • 6 egg yolks, beaten
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 2 sugar vanilla 
  • 1 cup whipping cream

  1. Preheat the oven to 425º. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
  2. In a large saucepan, bring butter, water, salt and sugar to a boil over medium-high heat. Remove pan from the heat and add the flour all at once. Stir quickly until all the flour is incorporated, about a minute. Return to the heat and cook, stirring constantly, for another minute or two.
  3. Transfer the dough to the bowl of an electric mixer. Beat at medium speed for 1 minute to cool the dough down a little.
  4. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition; beat until the dough loses its “slimy” look, and each egg is incorporated. 
  5. Using a pastry bag make 24 even pieces. Use your fingers to smooth out any bumps of points of dough that remain on the surface. Bake 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 375º and bake until puffed up and light golden brown, about 25 minutes more. Try not to open the oven door too often during the baking.
  6. Let cool on the baking sheet.
For the filling cream:
  1. In a medium saucepan combine the sugar, flour and salt. Gradually whisk in milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture starts to boil. Cook for 2 minutes until thickened.
  2. Remove from stove. Slowly whisk 1/4 cup of the hot mixture into the beaten egg yolks, and immediately add egg yolk mixture to the hot mixture in the saucepan. Cook for 2 more minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add butter and vanilla. Transfer pudding mixture to a medium bowl. Cover with plastic; refrigerate until well chilled, about 1 hour or overnight.
  3. When pudding is chilled, whip cream to form soft peaks and gently fold in to pudding.  
  4. With a knife cut lengthwise the pastry  and fill them with the cream, than dip them on melted chocolate.

  5. Pasta Shu

    200 gr gjalp
    2 gota mesatare me uje
    1 luge kafe turke me kripe
    2 luge gjelle sheqer
    2 gota miell
    Vendosim ujin me gjalpin, sheqerin Dhe kripen ne nje tenxhere me flake mesatare deri sa te bien ne vale. Pasi bie ne vale e largojme nga zjarri. Shtojme miellin e perziejme mire Dhe e vendosim serish per 2-3 min ne zjarr. Pas kesaj brumin e vendosim ne nje tas te ftohet pak, pastaj me mikser e perziejme pak qe te ftohet me mire. Pastaj shtojme vezet nje nga nje. Perfitohet nje brum elastik. Pastaj me ane te qeses se kuzhines e vendosim ne tepsi me leter kuzhine ne formen e deshiruar. Dhe I pjekim ne temp 425*f/210*C per 25-30 min

    4 gota qumesht
    100 gr miell
    200 gr sheqer
    1/2 luge kafe kripe
    50 gr gjalp
    2 bustina sheqer vanilje
    1gote heavy cream/pana
    6 te verdha vezesh.
    Vendosim qumeshtin me miell ne nje tenxhere me flake mesatare. E perziejme sistematikisht deri sa trashet masa. Pastaj e heqim nga zjarri Dhe shtojme te verdhat e vezeve me ngadale duke e perzier mire. E vendosim prap ne zjarr tenxheren per disa minuta. Shtojme sheqerin, kripen, pastaj e heqim nga zjarri shtojme gjalpin Dhe sheqer vaniljen. E vendosim masen ne nje tas Dhe e mbulojme Dhe e fusim ne frigorifer per 2-3 ore sa te ftohet mire. Pasi ftohet e nxjerrim Dhe ne nje ene tjeter rrahim panen mire Dhe e perziejme me kremin. Pastaj me kete krem mbushim Eclairs ndersa siper I lyejme me cokollate.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Rose dessert / Sheqerpare

1 KG flour
1 kg butter in room temp
10 egg yolks
1/2 tsp baking soda

First miks the butter with egg yolks until they are mixed well together than add the flour that is mixed with baking soda, the dough that we get from kneading it good put it in refrigerator for 15-20 min, than take a portion and open it with a rolling pin , thickness of it should be about 3-4 mm  cut it with a cup or a round cookie cuter  and follow the steps in the photos below. After its finished bake it in temp 300*F/150*C 
1.5 kg sugar
750ml water 
and a slice of lemon
boil it for about 10 min
Syrup must be warm and the sheqerpare warm too when you add the syrup.

Pregatitja: 1 kg miell
1kg gjalp i pa tretur por i ndenjur ne temperaturen e dhomes une psh e nxjerr nga frigoriferi qe ne dark per neser te jet gati.
10 te verdha vezesh. Gjysem luge kafeje me sode buke.
Marrim te verdhat e vezeve i bashkojme me gjalpin dhe i perziejme deri sa te jen te njetrajtshem.. Pastaj fusim miellin dhe soden bashk e bejme brum. E lejme ne frigorifer per nja 15-20 min pastaj e marrim një pjese te brumit dhe e ftollojme ne një pete Jo te holle dmth afersisht 3-4 milimetra dhe me një gote uji e presim ne rrathe. Kto rrathet e formuar marrim tre dhe i vendosim jo direkt mbi njeri tjetrin po te prekin nja 2 cm secilin pastaj i rrotullojme si cigare te tre bashk dmth nga I pari te i treti.. E presim me thike ne mes dhe te dy pjeset e formuara i vejme ne tepsi me pjesen e prere posht.. E kshu me rradhe deri sa te mbarohet gjith brumi. Mos perdor niseshte per ta hap peten me mire me miell. Furra 300*F/150*C
,per sherbetin 
1.5 kg sheqer 
750 gr uje dhe
nje risk limon
sherbeti dhe sheqerparja dy te vakta.

Monday, December 15, 2014



2cups of water
4 tbsp butter
2 cups of flour
A pinch of salt
A pinch of sugar
4 eggs
Oil to fry.

2 cups of water 
2 cups of sugar
4-5 drops of lemon juice

Put the water and sugar in a pot and bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 min. In the last minute add the lemon juice.Let the syrup cool.

To prepare  the dough
Put water and butter in a pot. Melt the butter.When it comes to a boil, sift the flour and add it into pot little by little as you mix.Add the salt and sugar and lower the heat and mix it fast with a wooden spoon until the dough does not stick for about 10 minutes.Let the dough cool down.When the dough cools down  start adding one egg at a time mix the eggs into the dough,continue mixing with hands until you have a soft dough.Fill a heavy bottom frying pan with oil. Put the dough into a piping bag with a star tip.Squeeze dough pieces into oil when it is still cold.Turn on the heat and as the dough pieces come up to the surface reduce the heat and keep frying until they turn golden brown. It takes longer to fry them on low heat but this way they get the crunchy exterior and chewy interior. As the tulumba pieces are fried, immediately transfer them into cold syrup for about 1-2 minutes and take them out . 

2 gota uje
2 gota miell
4 luge gjelle gjalp
Pak kripe
Pak sheqer
4 veze

2 gota sheqer
2 gota uje
4-5 pika leng limoni

Ne fillim zihet sherbeti ne Nje tenxhere Pasi ka zier per 10 min e fik zjarrin Dhe I hedh lengun e limonit. E le menjane te ftohet.

Ne Nje tenxhere hedh ujin Dhe gjalpin. Pasi kan rene ne vale fiket zjarri. Shton kripen Dhe sheqerin Dhe miellin. E perzien mire e mire pastaj e kthen ne zjarr te ulet Dhe e perzien mire or 10 min. E heq nga zjarri Dhe e len te ftohet. Pasi eshte ftohur I shton vezet Nje nga Nje duke e perzier mire pas cdo veze. Perzihet mire deri Sa te formohen Nje brum I bute Dhe elastic. Nderkohe Nje tigan me fund te thelle  e mbushim  me vaj. Brumin e fusim ne formen e posacme Dhe ndezim zjarrin per te ngrohur vajin ne flake te ulet. Hedhim brumin Edhe Pse nuk eshte ngrohur vaji mire ska gje. Tollumbat behen me te mire nese piqen ne temp te ulet. Pasi te jen pjekur mire nga te gjitha anet i fusim per Nje min ne sherbetin e ftohte Dhe I nxjerrim I vendosim ne ene tjeter. 

Homemade bread

Homemade braided bread / Buke gershet