Friday, August 14, 2015

Fergese me melçi

500 gr melci  pule
3 luge gjelle gjize
1 spec i kuq
1 qepe te madhe
1 domate
4-5 thelbinj hudher
Pakez spec djegese
vaj ulliri

Ne nje tenxhere  vendosim  melcite dhe hedhim uje aq Sa ti mbuloje, gjithashtu hedhim pak kripe. Pasi zihen mire (provoje me pirun Nese hyn lirshem jane gati) . qepen  e presim ne fije te holla dhe e vendosim ne nje tigan e skuqim me vaj ulliri ,pastaj hedh specen e prere  në fije Pasi skuqen pak bashke shtojme nje luge miell dhe hudhrat e prera. I kaverdisim pak bashke dhe hedhim gjysem gote uje te ftohte,   shtojme  domatet e prera dhe gjizen ,i perziejme bashke deri sa merret nje ngjyre. Nderkohe  melcit qe  jane ziere i vendosim ne taven  e baltes (Ose në tepsi te zakonshme)  hedhim kripe,piper. Taven e vendosim në furren e parangrohur 200*C per 45 min .

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Chocolate and coconut cake

5 cups milk
2 turkish coffee cups heaping flour
2.5 Turkish coffee cups sugar
1 pack vanillin
1 tablespoon butter

for decorating
 grated chocolate


Put the milk, flour and sugar in the pot and cook it until it is thick.  Turn off the heat. add Vanillin and butter and use a mixer and mix it until it is well blended. Wet the inside of the turkish coffee cups and fill them with the pudding. (if you don’t wet it, you cannot get it out.) When they are cooled off, put then in the fridge for 3-4 hours. Gently shake the cups and take out the pudding and dip it in the coconut. Decorate it with grated chocolate to however you like.