Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lemon bundt cake. Kek me limon.

1 1/2 cup butter softened 
2 cups sugar 
3 eggs 
3 cups all-purpose flour 
1 cup yogurt
 2 tbs lemon juice
2tbs  lemon zest
1 tbs baking soda

Cream the butter and 2 cups sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer until light and fluffy, about 5 min add the eggs, 1 at a time, and the lemon zest. Sift together the flour  and baking soda  in a bowl. In another bowl, combine 1/4 cup lemon juice, the yogurt in another bowl . Add the flour and yogurt  mixtures alternately to the batter , beginning and ending with the yogurt . Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until a cake tester comes out clean. 

150gr gjalp ne temp dhome
2gota sheqer
3 veze
3gota miell
1 gote kos
2luge gjelle leng limoni
2 luge gjelle lekure limoni e grire
1luge gjelle  sode buke

Gjalpin Dhe sheqerin e rreh mire me mikser elektrik shto vezet Nje nga nje duke I rrahur me mikser, ne Nje tas bashkon miellin me baking powder. Ne Nje tas tjeter bashkon kosin dhe lengun e limonit Dhe lekuren e limonit.
Shton miellin Dhe kosin avash avash duke e nisur me kosin Dhe e perfunduar me kosin. Piqet me temp 325/180*c 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Baked rolls

Bruscetti-maretti, bake rolls ne shtepi,mmm njam njam. 
Recipe : 
1 egg
1 tsp salt
50gr butter
Flour as needed to make dough 
1 tsp baking powder
Mix all ingredients and make a soft dough. Open the dough with a rolling pin and brush some oil and seasoning ( vegeta, oregano, black peper, paprika,) and cut it as you want circle or squares. Bake in 300*F for 15 min.

1luge e mesme krip,
50gr gjalp,miell sipas nevojes,
1pluhur per pjekje. 
Perzihen perberesit,shtrihet peta,lyhet ne dy anet me vaj,ereza (vegete),piper i kuq,piper i zi,origano,priten format e deshiruara dhe pjeken ne furre 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rose buns

2cups of warm milk 
1cup of oil 
30 gr yeast 
1teaspoon sugar 
1 teaspoon salt  
2 eggs 
2 lb flour ..
 make the dough and let it rest for 30 min, than cut it in pieces and follow the illustrating photos, let it rest for another 20 min or 30 min than bake a 370*F filling its by choice, feta cheese or spinach and feta anything  before you bake them brush it with watered egg yolk
Buke trendafil 
2 gota qumsht 
1 got vaj 
30 gr far buke/maja/kvasac 
1 lug kafe sheqer 
1 lug kafe kryp 
2 vez  
miell afer 1 kg 
e zen brumin e len me ardh 30 minuta, e ndan ne dy pjes i ban kuleçet si ne foto, mbushja sipas deshires une e kam bere me djath. Pasi mbaronme te gjithe kulecet e len me ardh 20-30 min e lyen cdo njeren me te verdhe veze Dhe e pjek me 200*c

Poppyseed cake

4 eggs
4 Turkish coffee cups sugar
4 Turkish coffee cups flour
4 Turkish coffee cups oil
4 Turkish coffee cups milk
1 tbs baking powder
1 tsp of vanilla extract 
2 tbs of cocoa powder
100 gr of raisins
100 gr of shredded coconut 
100 gr of poppy seed
Mix all the ingredients together and  put it in a well oiled pan and bake it 300*C until it's baked. 
In a pot add 250 gr of margarine  and 3 Turkish cups of milk. Add 2 tbs of flour, keep on mixing add 4-5 tbs of sugar, and 100 gr of  shredded coconut. After starts thickening shut the stove and let the cream cool down. When the cake is cooled down add the cream on top spreading evenly. Refrigerate it for 20-30 min before serving. 

4 veze
4 filxhana sheqer 
4 filxhana miell 
4 filxhana vaj
4 filxhana qumesht
1 pecive/baking powder
1 vanilje 
2 luge kakao
100 gr rrush te thate
100 gr kokos
1 pakete (100gr)mak/Poppy seed/fara te zeza
I perzien te gjitha Dhe e pjek ne temp 165 *C nderkohe qe pjeket pregatisim kremin. 

Per kremin 
250 gr margarin 
3 filxhana qumesht 
1 kokos (100 gr) 
2 luge gjelle miell 
4-5 luge gjelle sheqer
I perziejme te gjitha bashk ne Nje tenxhere Dhe kur te filloje te trashet e heqim menjane Dhe e lejm te ftohet . Pasi eshte gati I ftohte e lyejme kekun siper Dhe e fusim ne frigo per 20-30min.

Spinach pie

Burek with spinach, scallions and feta cheese 
Start making the dough with 2 lb of flours a teaspoon of salt, 2 tbs of oil, 1 tbs of white vinegar and warm water as needed to make a soft dough. We let the dough rest meanwhile start making the filling. 
4 bunches of spinach washed and cut up, 
3 bunches of scallions washed and cut up.
200gr of feta cheese crumbled. 
First get the spinach and scallions and squeeze it well so all the water is gone. Add the crumbled feta cheese. Leave it on the side.
Get the dough and cut it up in tangerine size balls. With the help of a rolling pin and flour open them to the size of the pan. Oil them as needed. After 4-5 sheets of opened dough add some of the spinach mixture. Open more dough, oil it and add some more spinach till it's all finished. Cut it up with a knife and bake it with 350*F  for 45 min . 

Byrek me spinaq dhe qepe te njoma dhe djathe...  
Me 1 kg miell..Zejm brumin me uje pak vaj, pak uthell dhe krip. E lejme te pushoje.  
Per mbushjen duhen :4 tufa spinaq, 3 tufa qep dhe 200 gram djathe 
Grijme spinaqin dhe qepet i shtypim pak me dore shtojm dhe djathin i perjzejm bashke te gjitha pastaj shtrojm 4 peta posht shtrojm lakra pastaj 2 pete pastaj lakrat 4 peta e tjera ne funde i fund vaj dhe pastaj e presim dhe e fusim per ta pjekur 180 grat per 45 minuta .


6 eggs
6turkish coffee cups milk
4 Turkish coffee cups oil
1 tbs baking powder
Flour as needed to make a earlobe soft dough
Make 175 walnut size of pieces of dough, with the help of cornstarch open them to the size of your palm. Throw some more starch between them and make piles 10 pieces each. And open them with a rolling pin and lots of starch to the size of the pan we are going to use.  Put and many layers of walnuts as you want I would suggest 2 or 3 . When it's all the dough done melt 2 lb of unsalted butter and when it's all cooled down add it to unbaked bakllava evenly. Bake it at 350*F for about  1 hr and 45 min. 
For the syrup use 4 lb of sugar and 10 cups of water, boil it and add some drops of lemon. When the bakllava is baked and cooled down.  Add all the hot syrup. Let it soak for at least 12 hr before serving. 


6 veze
6 filxhan kafe turke qumesht
4 filxhan kafe turke vaj
Nji pecivo
Mjell sa te zier brumi por i but jo i fort. 
E ndan brumin ne kulac te vegjel sa nji arre. Nga ky brum dalin shum kulac pothujse 175. I hedh kulacet ne niseshte dhe i hap nga pak. Mandej prap i lye me niseshte dhe i radhit nga pese. Kshtu vazhdon deri sa i mbaron te gjitha. Mandej fillon ti hapish petat, vecse e ben me dije qe ti kesh ndar njisoj psh;
Neqoftese ke ber 30 peta, i ven 10 mandej arra, prap 10 peta, arra perseri dhe ne fund petat tjera. 1 kg gjalpE tret sa te ngrihet shkumb e len pak te qetsoet dhe pasi e ke prere bakllavan ja hedh gjalpin siper. E pjek me 350 per 1 or e 45 min. Sherbet dy sheqer nje e gjysem uje. E vlon per 15 min. Bakllava e ftofet 
Sherbeti i nxet. Lere te pi sherbetin per 12 ore para se ta servitidh. Ju beft mire!!!